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I tried to soothe her by holding her but no amount of caressing would help. It was only after her nose was congestion free that she could go to sleep. This happened on more than one occasion and everyone in the house would be awake and worry till my baby was able to sleep peacefully. Common Cold is probably the most common infection that a baby can catch and you can expect this unwelcome guest many times in the first year! However much you protect your child, cold and cough are bound to occur every once in awhile.

If you give your child a pain reliever, follow the dosing guidelines carefully. Call your doctor if you have questions about the right dosage for your baby. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C that is effective in fighting off a cold. Squeeze some lemon juice in a glass of warm water, and add honey for taste.
Cold and Cough Remedies for 3 to 6 Months Babies
It is important to not use menthol/eucalyptus balms for babies under the age of two. The ingredients of an ordinary balm will be too intense for babies, thus forcing the body to produce more mucus to shield itself from such intensity. However, for any baby above two years, one can use the regular balm. If the baby does not want to do something, it’s best to try something else.

Saanvi Sharma is an excellent web content writer in health and nutrition. Her expertise in the subject stems from in-depth research and knowledge that she gained over the years. Her interest in science coupled with a bachelor's degree in biotechnology proves as an added advantage and further adds value to her writing. She is highly interested in science, thus writing quality content became her virtue. Another means of smoothening a congested chest is by using vapor rubs. Heat a cloth in the vapor of boiling water and apply generously on the congested areas.
Home Remedies To Treat Cold And Cough In Babies & Kids (3 Months to 3+ Years)
However, it is essential that you encourage him to consume more fluids. Look out for signs of dehydration and feed your baby fluids accordingly. Before we move on to the remedies, you must know the symptoms of cold and cough in babies. This is an age-old and time tested cold home remedy. Almost everyone has tried this and its popularity is because it is effective.
Under age 6, she doesn’t recommend this due to the risk of choking. “We don't want to get rid of coughs; coughs actually help us get better or prevent things from getting worse.” . Most colds will clear up on their own with time and rest.
Carrot Juice
However, there are steps you can take to help your child feel better while their immune system battles the virus. These home remedies are more effective than medicines in treating the cough of children and they have no side effects. Plenty of rest is needed to recover well from cold and flu. Drugstore cough and cold meds aren’t recommended for kids, but there are plenty of safe home remedies worth trying.

Doctors may prescribe medicines and antibiotics which have long-term effect on the child. Let’s look at some home remedies for cold and cough. Apple cider vinegar has natural antiseptic properties that make it an effective home remedy for herpes cold sores. Soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and apply directly to the sore several times a day.
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There's no way to cure your child's cold, which could last up to two weeks, but you can help relieve the symptoms that make your baby or toddler uncomfortable. Cold in kids can get worse with days passing, so when you see the first symptom, administer the home remedies so you can avoid antibiotic usage when it worsens. If you found this article useful, comment below with your thoughts. Cold often leaves certain children nauseous therefore propping up the head is a good way of removing the nausea. Doing this along with the above methods will help your child get rid of the cold in a matter of days. As mentioned above under the “Steam,” follow the same process and add half a spoon of turmeric to the boiled water and let the child breathe in the turmeric water steam.
The best way to give vitamin C to your baby is to give them orange wedges to eat throughout the day. Place your child on a thick towel or in an empty baby’s tub. Toddlers can soak in warm bathwater with ½ cup of raw, unfiltered ACV added in for 5 to 10 minutes. Give this to your child to drink several times daily. Given below are some of the remedies that I have been using with my daughter. There are many things that I learned over the past 5 years and I’ve been able to cure her cold relatively quicker.
This is a natural way to help babies become calm and relieve a blocked nose. Run the hot shower/tap in the bathroom and let the steam fill up the room. After turning off the tap, take your baby inside the room. The steam will be mild for you but it is perfect for a newborn. Steam inhalation can also be used for older babies or children.
Coughing up mucus is natural after this is completed. However, when the vessel or the electric steamer is too close to the child’s body, they may cause small burns as the heat is more. So, be cautious and distance the child while giving steam. If this sounds like a big work, you can buy a small vaporizer from the market.
Call your pediatrician if your baby is younger than 3 months and has a rectal temperature of 100.4 F or higher or is fussy and not drinking. If they are older, call a doctor if their ears hurt or if they have breathing trouble, a cough for longer than a week, or mucus that’s still there after days. Also reach out if their fever is above 100.4 F for more than 3 days or goes higher than 104. Most parents know that a runny nose also known as rhinorrhea is common in infants and kids as their immune system is still developing. But even then a baby’s runny nose can be a matter of great concern for parents as they don’t like to see their little ones uncomfortable. They want a quick remedy to treat baby’s runny nose.

Practice yourself before teaching your child to use a neti pot. You may also want to watch videos of people using a neti pot to see how it works. Because honey is sticky and sugary, have your child brush their teeth after they take it, especially if you give it to them at bedtime.
Avoid alcohol, coffee and caffeinated sodas, which can make dehydration worse. Teach your child not to share food, drinks, or utensils when they eat to avoid spreading germs between them and their friends. Keep your child out of daycare or school when they’re ill, especially when they have a fever. Studies show that honey is safer and likely more effective than cough medicines for children over 1 year old. You shouldn’t give honey to children younger than a year old due to the risk of botulism. Colds and flus are viral infections, so antibiotics won’t help when it comes to clearing up an infection.
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